Prepare yourself for significant savings! Discover our array of money-saving coupons and promotional codes. Click on the convenient link to Peachymama's website and add all your preferred items to your cart. During checkout, simply enter any provided promotional code. If there isn't a code, don't worry - Peachymama will immediately apply the discounts!
From time to time, Peachymama offer promotions that include a free item when your order quantity or dollar value exceeds a specific threshold. For instance, "Spend $100 and get a free bra" or "Buy 3 tops and get the 4th one for free". If you choose to return an item for a refund and this affects your order's final value, causing it to fall below the promotion's threshold in terms of either quantity or value, you have two options. You can either pay the full price of the free item, and this amount will be deducted from the total refund you receive. Alternatively, you can return the unused free item according to Peachymama's return policy, and Peachymama will refund the total amount due to you.
Shopping with Peachymama is incredibly easy and efficient – orders to the USA can be sent for a flat rate of $35! After dispatching, customers will receive an email containing Peachymama's tracking number. Regrettably, delays due to interstate flooding or flight cancellations may occur from time-to-time; however, help from both Australia Post and Peachymama are on hand if you need assistance in following up any order queries. For more sizeable purchases that require extra cover Peachymama recommend getting insurance - just drop us a line at [email protected] with your query about insuring larger shipments for full protection against losses during transit.Before making a purchase, please keep in mind that the delivery timeline is contingent on if Peachymama's products are available. During busy periods Peachymama may not be able to fulfill all orders and will inform you directly of any changes or delays. For added security, deliveries must always come with an authorized signature - either yourself or someone trustworthy such as your neighbour! Lastly, Peachymama reserves the right to deny certain shipment requests due to potential safety risks; should there be one for yours, Peachymama will get back in touch immediately so no worries there!
Peachymama know you're eager to get your order and that a good night's sleep is priceless. Unfortunately, life can sometimes throw unforeseen challenges Peachymama's way which may cause delays in delivery times- however if it hasn't arrived soon enough for your liking please reach out! With just an extra few days of patience, Peachymama promise everything will arrive on time.
Peachymama know you're eager to get your order and that a good night's sleep is priceless. Unfortunately, life can sometimes throw unforeseen challenges Peachymama's way which may cause delays in delivery times- however if it hasn't arrived soon enough for your liking please reach out! With just an extra few days of patience, Peachymama promise everything will arrive on time.tEnjoy the confidence of knowing your garment(s) is in its pristine condition - never worn, with tags still attached! To ensure you get the perfect fit for all garments, check out Peachymama's detailed sizing chart. Peachymama are also more than happy to help answer any questions about styles or measurements before making a purchase -- just shoot us an email. Please keep in mind that due to health and safety reasons Peachymama cannot accept returns on undergarments or swimwear.
Before returning the garment, please make sure it is in its original condition, with all tags and labels still attached. Please avoid crumpling the garment as this could damage the fabric and result in a $5 repressing fee. Additionally, ensure that the garment is clean and free of lint, and that any necessary paperwork is included. Finally, place the garment back in its original packaging or a clean plastic bag before mailing it back to us.
Unfortunately, Peachymama's items are incredibly popular and as a result Peachymama tend to sell out quickly. Apologize that Peachymama cannot offer exchanges in such cases.
Peachymama is an Australian-based clothing company that specializes in creating fashionable and functional clothing for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. The company was founded in 2013 by Merril Bainbridge, who recognized the need for comfortable and practical clothing during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Peachymama's clothing range includes a variety of styles, including dresses, tops, pants, and nursing bras, all designed to accommodate the changing body shape of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. The company's garments feature innovative designs, such as discreet nursing access and adjustable waistbands, to ensure comfort and functionality.Peachymama prides itself on its sustainable and ethical practices. The company uses environmentally friendly materials, such as organic cotton, and works with fair trade manufacturers to create its garments. Peachymama also donates a portion of its profits to various charities that support women and children in need.Overall, Peachymama aims to provide mothers with comfortable and stylish clothing that supports them throughout Peachymama's pregnancy and breastfeeding journey while promoting sustainable and ethical fashion practices.
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